Text relevance and "usefulness" of content The days when the number of key words in the text influenced the position of your website are gone. It doesn't guarantee the growth of traffic anymore. Now this factor often has a negative impact and is called "keywords stuffing". Because the main indicator of a website's success is the usefulness of its content. All information placed on your website should be useful for visitors. If there is a paragraph or more of unformatted text on a page without subtitles and indents, and a visitor does not read this text, then the rating of such a page, as well as the entire website as a whole, will decrease. Make sure that there is no such content on your website.Once again, note: search engines do not like texts that no one reads. They like useful texts of a large volume. So do not limit yourself, write as much as it takes to give an expert information which your website visitor came for. In some cases, the text may not be on the page at all, but it should be visually framed so that your visitor moves to it via link.
Tags, title, description, keywords Each page on your website should have a <title>, which is relevant to the content of the page itself. This title is displayed in the browser tab, in the search result snippet, the name of the browser bookmark. It is desirable that these meta tags are unique on each page, not repeated. The main common requirements for using title and description on the pages are:
The text should be informative, describing what the page is about in a few words;
There is a small restriction on the number of characters: title is 50-80 characters, description is 150-200 characters. This requirement is not strict, it is just useless to write more - it will not be perceived by search robots.
You can use SEO-spider to determine which of your website pages don't have titles and descriptions. This program scans your website or a certain section of it, giving you all working and broken pages with detailed data for each of them. There are more similar software that you can download for that purpose.
Headers H1-H6
The text headers in the form of <h1> ... </ h1>, as well as the title, are the most important factors in the internal optimization of your website pages. The content of the header affects the semantic relevance of the page to a greater extent than a plain text. The H1 header seriously affects the ranking of documents in search engines.
Internal linking
Internal linking is extremely important for a better ranking of your website in the search engines. Why? There are 3 reasons for this:
The linking of various pages on your website helps search engines index the website to the fullest. The crawler, starting indexing the site, moves by links, indexing new pages of the site.
Anchor references (links that use key phrases) affect the ranking and transmit the anchor weight from the donor page to the acceptor page. In other words, if an important and credible search engine page refers to another page with the text: "You can find out more about the educational institutions here", then the relevance of the page to which we refer is increased by the request "educational institutions". Without competent linking it is impossible to achieve serious results.
Finally, links are simply convenient for users, if they are relevant.